SA: +27783756718 / Nigeria: +2348162790193

Authors' Information

Authors should make every effort to remain in e-mail contact with the Editor at all times and to give the editor alternative e-mail addresses when necessary. At certain stages of the editorial process authors and editors need to be in daily contact: The e-mail system is the most effective way of doing so. 

The Scope of the Journal

The journal publishes analysis, findings and recommendations relating to gender and behaviour, and Psychology in Africa including theoretical, empirical and descriptive works and relevant scholarly discussions of ethics. Content

  • The reviewers and editors welcome articles that display the following characteristic:
  • The content is technically competent and professional in format;
  • It displays originality and is presented logically;
  • Mathematical and statistical material, where used, is complete, well-organized and interpreted for the non-specialist;
  • The writing style is clear and unpretentious
  • The illustrative review is adequate and the bibliography reflects up-to-date research;
  • The theoretical underpinnings are up-to-date and are well integrated with the discussion and argument;
  • The methodological approach is appropriate and clear.
  • The article contributes significantly to current thinking or the development of the subject

The editors are more than prepared to work with scholars to achieve their goals and many of our reviewers are most generous in helping to provide detailed and constructive advice on the first draft.