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Submission & Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to our journals are thoroughly peer-reviewed and contributors requested to correct their articles in line with global best practices. After a submitted manuscript has been received correctly, according to the rules of our journals, and in order to increase the quality of publications, we will inform you of the results of the review within 6-8 weeks or earlier. Our reviewers will ensure that all papers submitted to our journals experience a serious and expedient peer review process, plagiarism test and the editorial boards approval before an acceptance letter can be issued. 

The editors and reviewers of the journal have progressively expanded from its traditional Nigerian setting to include scholars in Ghana, South Africa, Cameroon, Mauritius, India, USA, Canada and England thereby internationalizing the review process. It should be noted that on a yearly basis, the review process of Gender & Behaviour and PsychologIA is progressively evaluated and advanced by the Editorial Board to meet international best practices.